Mot en inkluderande kommunikations­bransch

Emily de Piro, Partner på WorkStudio, intervjuas av Mad Women Academy. I intervjun delar hon med sig av sina tankar kring vikten av mångfald och betydelsen av nätverk där vi tillsammans kan bidra till verklig förändring. Läs mer här:

1. What inspired you and your colleagues at WorkStudio to start the network ”Diversify or Die”? 

WorkStudio is a company specialising in recruitment and consultancy within the communications industry. Our core value is to drive meaningful change in the industry, particularly when it comes to diversity and inclusion. The communications sector remains largely homogenous and while leaders are aware of the benefits of diversity, the pace of change is still too slow. For us, it’s crucial that the entire industry takes greater responsibility to accelerate this progress and build a future-ready communications sector. The network Diversify or Die is one of the initiatives we have launched to share knowledge and inspire leaders to join this journey. We believe collaboration is essential to achieve this transformation. Today, we have 150 members, including leaders from companies such as H&M, Coop, Telia, DDB, Arla, Tre and Åkestam Holst. 

2. To what extent is diversity a priority when you help companies recruit new talent? 

Diversity is at the core of everything we do and we always follow a competency-based recruitment process where age, gender or nationality play no role. Some examples of how we actively promote diversity include: 

  • Broadening our candidate search to include a wider range of talent networks. 
  • Challenging and inspiring our clients to think differently, supported by our Diversify or Die network. 
  • Inspiring future talent to enter the industry, for example, through our collaboration with Järvaskolan, a junior high school in Kista. 

 3. What do you think is the most common challenge for companies when implementing DEIB in their organisation?

Implementing DEIB (Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging) is a long-term process that requires commitment from everyone in the organisation. Many companies feel they lack the expertise required to independently undertake such a complex and comprehensive initiative. By providing support and sharing expertise, we hope to help organisations make progress more quickly. We also encourage leaders to take small but meaningful steps toward a brighter future. 

Read more about Diversify or Die here.

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